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The KAS Grant
The Korean Astronomical Society (KAS) is pleased to offer the KAS Grant to the participants of IAUGA 2022 as follows. If you have any question about the KAS grant, e-mail us at kasgrant@iauga2022.org.

Important Dates for KAS Grant Application

GA Early-bird registration Jan. 1, 2022 – Mar. 28, 2022
KAS grant application Jan. 1, 2022 – Feb. 28, 2022
Notification on the KAS grant Mar. 24, 2022
IAU grant application Jan. 1, 2022 – Mar. 31, 2022

Support from the KAS Grant

1. Complimentary registration for both in-person and virtual attendees
2. Nominal travel support for in-person attendees
* For in-person attendees, some volunteer services will be requested by NOC. Services include (1) session assistance, (2) badge checking at the gate, and (3) conference bag pick-up desk.
* Your application for the KAS grant is independent of the IAU travel grant (deadline: Mar. 31, 2022), but the list of KAS grantees will be shared with the IAU Secretariat. Please refer to the IAU grant for travel support.

Requirements for KAS Grant Application

0. GA early-bird registration
1. An official certificate of student enrolment
2. An endorsement letter from an IAU individual member*
* All students must submit an endorsement letter issued by an IAU member. The letter must arrive by 23:59 KST February 28, 2022 and applications with late endorsement will not be considered. The letter should be sent by your endorser to the Secretariat via email at kasgrant@iauga2022.org.
0. GA early-bird registration
1. Abstract submission to GA*
*If your abstract is rejected, your KAS grant will be cancelled. Early-bird registration fees will still be applied to rejected applicants.

2. IAU junior membership OR an endorsement letter from an IAU individual member**
**If you are not an IAU junior member, you must submit an endorsement letter issued by an IAU member. The letter must arrive by 23:59 KST February 28, 2022 and applications with late endorsement will not be considered. The letter should be sent by your endorser to the Secretariat via email at kasgrant@iauga2022.org.
0. GA early-bird registration
1. IAU individual membership
2. A document showing retired status

KAS Grant Application Procedure

To apply for the grant program, you must complete the following steps.
  • Create a login account at www.iauga2022.org and register online.
    (1) If you are to apply for the grant as an Early-career Astronomer, you must submit an abstract of your presentation to GA.
    (2) Complete the GA registration with the "bank transfer" payment option*.
    * IAU/KAS grant applicants must choose “Bank transfer” as a method of payment when they complete the registration. In case an applicant is not selected as a grantee of IAU/KAS grants and still wishing to keep the registration, the applicant will be asked to pay the early-bird registration fee after the notification.
  • Fill out the relevant KAS grant application form and attach the required documents. The application link will be activated by Jan. 1, 2022.
  • The results will be notified to grantees on Mar. 24, 2022.

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